
Uk Railway Network

Grimshaw architects, international architectural firm founded in London in 1980 is chooses RS seating system as part of its project to redevelop London Bridge railway station, London’s oldest station, which opened in 1836.


Located in the Southwark district, London Bridge is one of the four most used railway stations in the UK today, with traffic of more than 54 million passengers a year. 

The stylistic details of RS system, which recall the architectural design created by the studio, together with its versatility allowed Tecno to answer the needs of the client, who requested essential, uninvasive seating. 

Consequently, customised solutions in 60 different configurations have been provided, including certain curved benches designed specially for the project. Made of die-cast aluminium with one-piece, rounded-profile seats with waterpore, RS benches have furnished all the stations platforms and new waiting areas. 

The technical characteristics of RS syste make it as one of the leading products in seating for high-traffic public areas.


Client’s activity
Railway stations


RS seating system 

World Architecture Festival, 2018