Zoomorphic aesthetic
Nomos is conceived as a solid skeleton with a zoomorphic aesthetic. It can be adapted to satisfy wide range of needs, at home and in the office.
Su gran
imagen y su diseño elegante lo convierten en uno de los productos más
apreciados del diseño internacional y de la producción de Tecno.
La mesa Nomos difiere del sistema por la sección del tubo, de 25 mm frente a
los 30 mm del segundo, y también por la forma inclinada de las bases y las
fusiones de soporte de las tapas que sustituyen las subestructuras del sistema.
La tapa, en su versión de cristal, apoya sobre ventosas, mientras que las tapas
de madera están atornilladas en los soportes de aluminio.
La mesa Nomos permite elegir entre distintas alturas, 72 cm y 65 cm, simplemente
montando los soportes con o sin separador.
En 2013, para celebrar el treinta aniversario de la colaboración entre Tecno y
Foster, se realizó una edición especial de la mesa con nuevos acabados, como
cemento, nogal americano macizo, mármol negro marquina y cristal fumé.
Nomos is conceived as a solid skeleton with a zoomorphic aesthetic. It can be adapted to satisfy wide range of needs, at home and in the office.
The starting point of the Nomos System is the tubular metal frame, to which legs, feet, supports, work surfaces, superstructures and screens are added. The metal-to-metal connection of elements assures longer service life and total scrapping at the end of its life cycle.
A table for working, reading, talking, discussing, dining, and playing. Altogether, the system solves all functions with a single structural concept, while the cables run in a flexible staple skeleton that allows easy accessibility to electrified outlets.
A declined platform, supported by feet modeled like those of the LEM, the lunar module that in 1969 landed on the Moon. In the table versions, it is possible to adjust the height of the top in two positions, 72 cm and 65 cm, simply by assembling the feet with or without spacer.From the archives
“The recognition of a need that becomes a project. […] We do not have, in our languages, such a rich term to indicate together order and spontaneity, rigor and imagination, rule and creativity. So Tecno and Norman Foster Associates have evoked for their work this ancient word, Nomos."