


Where Art meets Design

On the occasion of Milano Museo City, from 2 to 8 March, Tecno hosts Mostra Permanente Carlo Mo. A week dedicated to the encounter between Art and Design in which the historic venue in XXV Aprile opens its doors to the most significant works of the artist from Pavia. 

The link with the world of art has always been one of ABV's distinguishing features, which founder Osvaldo Borsani then transferred by founding the company Tecno. Resonating in the relationship between Tecno and Carlo Mo is the innovation mediated by tradition and craftsmanship, the affinity for industrial materials such as stainless steel, and the integration of form and space that characterises the living of public spaces, particularly in the city of Milan. 

In the exhibition created inside the Tecno premises on the occasion of Milano Museo City, Mo is represented in many facets: sculptures, micro castings, drawings and sketches of large works. An itinerary that expresses the evolution of the materials he used in his continuous research between forms and surfaces: from copper wire, which he began to use as he no longer had paper to draw on, where emptiness becomes fullness, to the use of corten, up to welded and boxed steel. A small archive of an all-round artist.

A dialogue between creativity and innovation from which Chip was born, the seat designed by Carlo Mo for Tecno, ABV 1991 collection. Not a sculpture to sit on, but the artist's vision of a piece of furniture in which to find oneself and which definitively seals Carlo Mo's great relationship with African art.

Find out more
Tecno @ Milan Museum City

Tecno Showroom
Piazza XXV Aprile 11Milan