

La table Nomos, avec sa structure conçue comme un squelette solide à l'esthétique animale, peut être adaptée, comme le système, à de nombreuses utilisations, à la fois pour les espaces domestiques et pour le monde du travail.


L'image élevée et le design raffiné en font un des produits phares du design international et de la production Tecno. 

La table Nomos se distingue du système non seulement par le diamètre du tube, de 25 mm contre 30 m pour le second, mais également par la forme inclinée des bas et par les alliages de support des plans qui constituent les sous-structures du système. Dans la version en cristal, le plan est posé sur des ventouses alors que les plans en bois sont vissés aux supports en aluminium. 

La table Nomos propose le choix entre deux hauteurs différentes, 72 cm et 65 cm, simplement en montant les supports avec ou sans entretoise. 

Compasso d'Oro Nomos design Foster & Partners, 1987



Zoomorphic aesthetic

Nomos is conceived as a solid skeleton with a zoomorphic aesthetic. It can be adapted to satisfy wide range of needs, at home and in the office, from individual workstations to large meeting tables or to the latest desk sharing solutions.


Metal-to-metal connection

The starting point of the Nomos System is the tubular metal frame, to which legs, feet, supports, work surfaces, superstructures and screens are added. The metal-to-metal connection of elements assures longer service life and total scrapping at the end of its life cycle. 


IOT Technology

Versatile and extremely resistant, Nomos boasts the intelligence of io.T.  Thanks to invisible sensors incorporated into the product, IOT Technology can activate  functions useful to the user and send information in real-time to allow resource optimisation, access control and outstanding space management. Personnel recognition, workstation or meeting room bookings, as well as managing the environmental micro-system, by adjusting the lights, temperature and height of the work surface, are just some of the functions.  



A table for working, reading, talking, discussing, dining, and playing. Altogether, the system solves all functions with a single structural concept, while the cables run in a flexible staple skeleton that allows easy accessibility to electrified outlets.


Nomos is

“The recognition of a need that becomes a project. […] We do not have, in our languages, such a rich term to indicate together order and spontaneity, rigor and imagination, rule and creativity. So Tecno and Norman Foster Associates have evoked for their work this ancient word, Nomos."


Like the LEM landed on the Moon

A declined platform, supported by feet modeled like those of the LEM, the lunar module that in 1969 landed on the Moon. In the table versions, it is possible to adjust the height of the top in two positions, 72 cm and 65 cm, simply by assembling the feet with or without spacer.

From the archives